Fallout shelter online beta
Fallout shelter online beta

fallout shelter online beta

There’s also a lot of normal crafting stations for food, weapons, chems and other things places throughout the world, sometimes you just need to head around the back of a building or inside a Red Rocket Station.

fallout shelter online beta

Remember you can build anywhereĬonstruction and Assembly Mobile Platform (C.A.M.P.) can be used like the workbenches in Fallout 4 but with one important difference, they can be used anywhere in the world.Ĭ.A.M.P will provide you with a way to build the much-needed shelter from the elements and monsters, craft supplies and even set up shop to trade with other survivors. To do so though, you’ll need to scavenge the wasteland to find a number of nuclear lunch codes which allow you to prime to various missile launch sites around the 6 regions in the game.Īlso, remember when you use the nukes the after-effect will be a high-level zone with rare and valuable resources that can help with your crafting efforts. Not only does this add to the multiplayer element, but you’ll also be able to destroy your enemies in a blaze of atomic fire. How to lunch Nukes in Fallout 76Īs Fallout 76 is an online game, there is a way you can control parts of the map and affect the outcome on the world with some handy leftover nuclear missiles from the great war. Note: Remeber the beta is not going to be 24 hours, to keep an eye out when the game servers will be live. Times in red have ended. Xbox One has had exclusive access to the Fallout 76 Beta for a couple days, with PlayStation and PC getting their first try on October 30th.

fallout shelter online beta

Fallout 76’s Beta is starting from October 23rd, 2018 and to help get you started this page will go over some beginner tips and tricks to help you get to grips with some of the elements of the game.

Fallout shelter online beta