Homescapes character plot
Homescapes character plot

Realizing that his mind was no longer at peace because he couldn’t stop thinking about that woman, Robbie made that first step and asked Melinda out on a date. Robbie fell in love with his wife from the very first sight, when he saw her on a poster ad of the First Steps to Peace of Mind course. He is still friends with his teacher and sometimes on Saturday mornings you can see them training together outside.

homescapes character plot

That’s how Robbie started his path of this martial art. And what are the odds the family head happened to be a kendo master. Right after Robbie opened his own Wood’s Workshop, he did a kitchen furniture project for a family that just moved to town. Like many boys of that age, Austin and Robbie were into martial arts and wanted to try kendo. Later, when Austin left for the Institute of Modern Butlers to pursue his career, Robbie would send him pictures of his woodwork instead of regular letters showing his achievements.

homescapes character plot

They managed to work it out and somehow that dramatic accident made them best friends for life. One of them took a ball that belonged to the other… and got hit with a toy spade in return. He is an adventurous person, and is settled with his wife Melinda and daughter Chloe far away. Robbie is a main character in the Game when Austin restores the Guest House and Lake Cabin. Austin, Katherine, Olivia, William, Jeb, Stephanie, Andy

Homescapes character plot